
Prosperity In The United States

Decent Essays

Prosperity can be defined as “the condition of being successful or thriving; especially: economic well-being” (Webster Dictionary). A state of prosperity means that a nation, an individual, a business, etc., is producing a good or a service and is making a profit off of that good or service. In the United States our businesses make up our economy.
Business has been around from the very beginning of time. As individuals we have certain needs and wants that we cannot provide for. As a farmer I produce food to feed my family and my community. I do not create my own seeds; I attain them from another source. That source sells to me the goods I need to produce my product. Markets and grocery stores take my product and sell it to the community who does not have the …show more content…

Without business there would be no economic prosperity. If prosperity is being successful, and most people consider wealth a sign of success, then without businesses both small and large employing people, creating consumer goods, and then selling them where would this “wealth” come from? If there were no goods to be created then no one would be employed and the same consumers that are trying to buy products would have no money, no wealth if you will, and the entire economy would be falling into pieces. There is no economic prosperity at all without business. In fact, the lives of everyone (not just Americans) would cease to function normally. Think about the simple things we use every day; the car to get work, the faucet to brush our teeth, the clothes we wear. How many of us made all of those things ourselves? A small portion may have made their products. The rest of us bought our goods from a business. That business who had someone make the goods and deliver them to the store where we finally got them ourselves. The businesses we use everyday are not only essential to our lives but also make our nation’s economy as a whole work the correct

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