
Prosperity and Immigration of United States: Nikola Tesla Essay examples

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The nineteenth and twentieth century was a time of enormous prosperity and vast immigration for the United States. These two have a close correlation to each other; the U.S.’s prosperity was mostly as a result from the few ingenious immigrants that fled their home country for a better life in the U.S. Andrew Carnegie and Albert Einstein are a few examples, but none can compare to one man, one man that would change the way the whole world would view the power of electricity. Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Lika, which is a region of Croatia. His mother was an inventor in household appliances and managed their family farm. His father was a Serbian Orthodox clergyman. He had three younger sisters and one older brother. His …show more content…

Edison’s company was well known for their low, tightfisted wages. Edison replied to Tesla, “Tesla, you don't understand our American humor," and exempted the $50,000 award and only offered him a $10 raise in his monthly pay, Tesla refused Edison’s offer and quickly resigned. For Tesla, direct current was too insufficient because the electric current only flowed in one direction and was prone to frequent power outages due to its inability to supply such a high voltage. Power house had to been laid out every two mile intervals to keep up with the power demands. This inhabited it to travel long distances, but at that time it was the only power system that was used throughout the U.S. Tesla saw the disadvantages and inefficiency of direct current and came up with the idea of alternate current, or AC.
Alternative current was much more efficient because the electricity ran through a polyphase principle. In alternate current, the electric current changed directions 50 to 60 times per second, and it could be used at a very high voltage, making it much possible to travel long distances without the use of power houses every two miles. It was clear to Tesla that alternative current was the future for a full transcontinental power grid.
Edison disagreed with Tesla’s idea of alternate current and persisted that his direct current was and is the only way to power the homes and businesses of millions. Tesla reached out for someone who saw the potential for

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