
Prostitution And The Law : Prostitution

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Prostitution and the Law
Prostitution, also known as commercial sex or solicitation, is the business of preforming sexual activities in exchange for monetary compensation. Prostitution can be seen in many different outlets, from brothels and streetwalkers, to top of the line escort or call-girl services. Prostitution laws make it a crime to suggest, consent, or participate in a sexual act for the benefit of receiving payment (FindLaw, 2016). Prostitution is one of the first known female occupations and appears as early 2400 B.C.
Prostitution is considered to be illegal in all states excluding a few areas of Nevada, where they permit counties to license and regulate brothels (Weitzer, 2011); in doing so, they closely monitor and firmly regulate on a daily basis (FindLaw, 2016). Each state has their own statutes where in respect to punishment for prostitution, and other states criminalize said acts. The Mann Act a federal ruling that forbids the transference of individuals both locally and internationally for the purpose of prostitution or for any other depraved purpose (FindLaw, 2016).
Contingent on the related state laws, the phases of a typical prostitution "deal" can encompass charges being brought against the supplier of the services, the customer paying for the services, and any intermediary or pimp involved in the deal (Lippman, 2015). In some states the mere proposition of sexual services or agreeance to provide said services in exchange for monetary compensation is

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