
Prostitution Article On Prostitution Laws

Decent Essays

Prostitution Laws in Canada
Karlene Wright
November 19, 2014

Prostitution Laws in Canada
Prostitution is considered by many to be the oldest profession. Throughout civilization many society have had to address the issue of prostitution. Canada is a nation renown for promoting the advancement of women in all parts of the world. However, it is a nation guilty of punishing women for the circumstances in which they find themselves. The prostitution laws in Canada shows an antiquated view on the issue of prostitution, it has failed to adequately protect women. It is important that prostitutes are given an opportunity to protect themselves by employing security personnel if necessary and choose the location for conducting business. This paper will demonstrate that the policies employed by the federal government enhance the harm prostitute’s faces. as a result of being prevented by law from taking steps to enhance safety. The importance of legislator to balance the individual rights of the prostitute against the interest of the collective society. Also, by regulating the industry would shift the power from the pimps and johns controlling the services.
Describing the topic
Prostitution is the practice of exchanging money for sexual services. While the exchange of sexual gratification for consideration between consenting adults is legal, the law prohibits those activities Parliament deems to be a threat to public order or offensive to public decency,

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