
Prostitution in South East Asia

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Prostitution in South East Asia In the countries of South East Asia, prostitution is an issue that has been going on for years. Dating back to pre communist era in Japan and Vietnam where it grew larger, prostitution is an issue in Asia. Due to economic, political and class factors prostitution is an easy way to make money but it’s the women who are put into the spotlight. The girls are put into prostitution to bring money into the household, pay off debts, and keep themselves out of poverty. Along with the moral issues of prostitution there are also the health factors of the risk of HIV and AIDs. Prostitution, by definition, generally means the command by a person of any natural or unnatural sexual act, deviate sexual …show more content…

Her commission is usually just sent right to her family.” In this article by Paul Snyder, he explains the more financial aspect of prostitution in the lower class families. The daughters who are sent off, as stated in the article, send the money home to their families so they are able to care for the rest of the family. With prostituting being a highly grossing “job” its easy to see why many of the girls offer themselves or the families offer them this lifestyle. In a 1997 study by the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand, “the sex sector of the South East countries relies greatly on the gross income from prostitution for themselves and families. The government also collects a lot of revenue from this business, from bribes, corruption, and fees from the places where this is occurring” Something that I found very interesting is that in Thailand men are pushed to be promiscuous while women are supposed to stay virgins before marriage and monogamous afterwards. Prostituting is very common for local people and visitors, girls as young as seven are being sent out to men in need of sexual favors. Many of the men much older, not caring about disease or common morals. For men this is considered a night out with friends but for the girls, some need counseling afterwards to help to recuperate. In Thailand as well, visiting a brothel for the first time for a man is considered a right of passage and that they are easy ways to have cheap sex. In

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