
Protagonist: Katniss Everdeen In The Hunger Games

Satisfactory Essays

1. Character: Lily from “Dude” (2018)
Lily fits this description because she is a person that takes part in the action of a movie. She is a character in the movie. I chose her to illustrate the definition of a character because she has a prominent personality and is a character that is able to stand out.

2. Protagonist: Katniss Everdeen from “The Hunger Games” (2012)
Katniss fits this description because she is the main character that is seen as the “good buy” throughout the film. I chose this character to to illustrate the definition of a protagonist because she is very relatable and actively fights for the betterment of society throughout the movie.

3. Antagonist: Pennywise from “It” (2017)
Pennywise fits this description because he is …show more content…

I chose this character to illustrate the definition of a static character because Constance keeps up a persona of a mysterious and dark woman throughout the season, and does not make many changes to her character.

5. Dynamic: Steve Harrington from “Stranger Things” (2017)
Steve fits this description because he is a character that changes dramatically as a result of the development of the plot. I chose this character to illustrate the definition of a dynamic character because Steve starts the show as a one-dimensional, mean, and taunting character. As the show progresses, Steve abandons these qualities and becomes a deeply caring, fatherlike character to some of the other characters.

6. Stereotypical: Allison from “Pretty Little Liars” (2010)
Allison fits this description because she is a character that is a stereotype of a high school mean girl. I chose this character to illustrate the definition of a stereotypical character because Allison has several qualities that contribute to her appearance as a “mean girl” stereotype. Her blonde hair, popularity, friend group, and reputation all contribute to

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