
Explain How Capitalism Money And Consumption Have Changed Our Culture

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Introduction/Overview Capitalism, money and consumption have evolved in our society with the substantial increase of goods, trade and globalisation. Progress through globalisation has seen the rapid escalation of how capitalism, money and consumption have changed our culture and the world around us, with prominence in modernity, injustice and technologies. I have chosen this topic as it is very relevant in today’s society, with its influential perspectives on capitalism, money and consumption having formed contemporary economic thought. Globalisation has been the major contributor to society, where capitalism, money and consumption have developed and grown.

Major sources/references being used The major sources/references being used will be Marxist theory on capitalism, Weberian theory on consumption and money, consumption and money by Li Gu, University of North Carolina, Max Weber’s ‘The Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism’, Capitalism and the rise of consumerism by John Greenwell, Money, tort and consumer society by Jenny Steele, University of York, UK, Hannah Arendt & Jean Baudrillard: Pedagogy in the consumer society and a few more articles on capitalism, consumer and post-modern society. …show more content…

Our observations over the years have seen society become both a capitalist and consumer focussed western world, with money being the focus (Norris, 2006, p. 458). With the restriction and reduced spending during World War II, society went from virtual poverty to accelerated spending after the war, with the dominance of commodities and considerable amount of advertising, and cheap imports from around the globe (Norris, 2006, p.

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