
Luther's Response To The Protestant Reformation

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The Reformation also known as the Protestant Reformation was a movement that was created for the purpose of trying to reform the Catholic Church. The movement is said to have begun in the sixteenth century at a time where biblical views seemed to be ignored by the Catholic Church. The Reformation eventually involved more than just religious structures and believes, it also brought about political, intellectual and cultural issues that triggered wars and the Counter Reformation by reformers who viewed things completely different. The Reformation was started by Martin Luther but was countered by Ignatius Loyola whom viewed things from a different perspective which brought about two documents mentioned during the reformation which are, “Against …show more content…

This document was written as a form of Martin Luther expressing his opposition to the corruptions he felt were being held in the Catholic Church by the Pope. “Against Catholicism” was based on Luther’s Table Talk, Luther is providing his reasons for falling out with the Pope. Luther also created the “Ninety Five Theses”. He states the Pope would brag about him being the head of the church and would condemned those that would not be under his power and authority. Martin Luther expresses how he would have been content with the Pope doing what he was called to do by God on earth as the corporal head of the church and teaching the gospel pure and clear and not introducing human inventions and lies. He states that the papist was trying to get the congregation to think that they had to obey what was said by the church and not what was written in the bible which is our guide from God to follow as Christians and he was not in …show more content…

This was a set of Christian meditations, prayers and mental exercises that were intended to help distinguish between the good and evil. They were a form of rules to follow in order to live a Christian life based on his own personal experience as a sinner before turning his life over to God. The document has a total of 18 rules that once should consider. Throughout these series of exercises Loyola is stating the importance of having a ready mind to be able to obey Christ, how confession should be through a priest once a year, week, or weekly depending on the sins, the praising of virginity, religious orders and not so much marriage, and also that Christian’s must fear God Divine

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