
Pseudoscience: Detective or Fictional?

Decent Essays

The Scientific American™ defines pseudoscience as “a practice or belief that is known as scientific, but otherwise does not follow an acceptable scientific method, lacks subsidiary evidence or credibility, cannot be consistently tested, or lacks scientific standing.” When studying science, a key to finding “good” science is to make sure it is logical, based on facts and data, not opinions. Pseudoscience tends to appear more in the movie Sherlock Holmes by showcasing the unusual scientific theories used in the film by Holmes and Watson. Many evolutionary biologists and creationists argue over the facts displayed in the movie in order to prove both of their beliefs.

“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” (Holmes) Personally, I do not agree with this statement and I believe it follows pseudoscience. Whatever remains does not necessarily need to be the truth. If there is no scientifical proof, it does not follow scientific methods. Many scientists actually use quotes from Sherlock Holmes to win arguments. To me, this is absolutely ridiculous. They actually claim that these statements are coming from a place of logical certainty. How is that possible if they do not take into account that Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character and do not question his scientific reasoning?

In 2005, scientific experts actually cited quotes from Sherlock Holmes in order to support their case against the Dover Area School

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