
Psychological Effects Of Physical Abuse

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There are many signs and warning you can look out for when an elder is being abuse. For example, for physical abuse there are bruises, pressure marks and or broken bones you can notice on the victim. There is also emotional abuse, you can notice this when the victim withdrawal from normal activities, depression, or frequent argument. For neglect the elderly usually unattended medical needs, has poor hygiene and unusual weight loss. There is also financial abuse this is when a family member or anyone really could be using the elderly for their money you can notice this when the elderly financial situation changes studently. It is very important to stay alert whether it in a senior home or in your own home, because silence is the biggest suffering …show more content…

Patients may suffer from scratches, bruises, broken bones, head injuries, and numerous other injuries as a direct result of being physically abused. Indirectly, patients with current health conditions may worsen, or patients may start to show other conditions because of being physically abuse (Paul & Perkins PA). Older adults who have been abused have a 300% higher risk of death when compared to those who have not been victimized (NCOA). The psychological effects of physical abuse are many and can affect everyone in different ways. Many patients can become reserved and begin to lose communication skills. Conversely, patients may also become aggressive and begin to display violent tendencies. Abused patients may lose sleep, stop eating, and develop stress disorders in response to the physical abuse. Insufficient sleep or nutrition can be destructive to the patient’s immune system, and can severely destabilize the mental health of the patient. Self-neglect and even self-harm may also begin after physical abuse has been or is currently being done. Physical abuse of elders is a problem that negatively impacts the society in which the abuse is taking place. Elders who are abused are four times more likely than non-abused older adults to go into nursing homes (Ageless Alliance). People living in a society in which elder abuse is common tend to worry about getting older, and start to show early symptoms. Elder citizens that suffer abuse are not productive as long, and have a much shorter life expectancy (Paul & Perkins PA). Physical abuse in contradiction of elders is a costly problem for the society in which it takes

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