
Psychology of Serial Killers

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"We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow." Theodore Robert Bundy In the past decade, Americans and researchers have given more and more of their attention to serial killers. The United States alone has contributed about 85% of the world's serial killers. It has been said that they come in many different forms. Society has many words for serial killers. Holmes and DeBurger define serial murders as "consisting of repetitive killings which are one-on-one with rare exception, where the relationship between victims and the offender is that of a stranger or slight acquaintance, and the motivation to kill and apparent motives are lacking." (Serial …show more content…

Bundy did have a long term relationship with a woman, but their sexual life was not normal. Bundy often demanded bizarre sexual actions. He displaced his sexual anger to his victims. The unacceptable urge is vented in a manner which is acceptable to his ego and superego. The ego acts as a go-between in the id's relations with reality, often suppressing the id's urges until an appropriate situation arises, (Gleitman, p. 119), and the superego which is the third part of the unconscious that is formed through the learned moral standards of parents and society. It censors and restrains the ego. Now where did Bundy get such a twisted idea of what was acceptable to his superego? It is not completed until about seven years of age. In some people, it never is completed. This could be an explanation for Bundy's behavior. Bundy's adult behavior begs the question, where did he get these ideas? Freud takes adult behaviors and personalities and looks back at that person's childhood and finds a problem during the development stages. A child at a given stage of development has certain needs and demands, such as the need of the infant to nurse. Frustration occurs when these needs are not met; overindulgence comes from such a sufficient meeting of these needs that the child is unwilling to progress

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