

Decent Essays

The two major intelligence quotient (IQ) tests that are administered to children are the Wechsler and the Standford-Binet. Tests are meant to measure human intelligence; however, there are many variants that can contribute to a test being skewed. Psychometrists, who administer the test, should understand and know how to deal with exceptional children. If a child is tired, sick, or just having a bad day, it could throw off the results of a test. Some children are extraordinarily smart, but do horrible on administered tests. The danger with giving these tests to every child is that you might make a child feel that they have a certain standard to live up to or down to (this is known as the Pygmalion affect). If the child has done poorly, they might feel that they are stupid and give up. Teachers, who know of their student’s scores, may not push the students with …show more content…

This can be done at school as well as at home. Teachers could give assignments that teach children to think how an experiment will turn out, then do the experiment, and see how their results differed from what they thought would happen. Encouraging children to enter science competitions and come up with original ideas. Even having contests like designing a new school t-shirt or redecorating a classroom to optimize learning conditions could be successful. A school program that allowed students to learn about different jobs in a hands-on setting could encourage formal operations as well. Assigning logic problems could also be a fun way to learn these skills. The following website,, has plenty of games that could be used by teachers or parents. Older children may take a teen living class that concentrates on situations that may occur in life and the child will have to come up with solutions to problems that may

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