
Psychopaths: Are They Unethical Decision-Makers And Why?

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Hozehna Shar PSY 150 Mrs. Byrd 03/11/2018 Successful Psychopaths: Are They Unethical Decision-Makers and Why? 1. Part A: Summary Summarize the article in your own words. Be sure to describe the research design and give the pertinent and important information. In this article, ‘How to Make Unethical Decisions,’ I read about how individuals take care of issues and decide. The stressed issue related is that many people quickly make decisions without thinking. Sometimes the use of moral judgment can be set aside for later and decide suitable activities is intensely influenced. It is important to break down and understand commonly used wrong decision-making methods, as well as look at fitting guides that can help with deciding moral activities. …show more content…

Stevens, Jacqueline K. Deuling, Achilles A. Armenakis (Successful Psychopaths: Are They Unethical Decision-Makers and Why?) This study investigated this relationship, proposing a mediated model in which the positive relationship between psychopathy and unethical decision-making is explained through the process of moral disengagement, defined as a cognitive orientation that facilitates unethical choice. The results of the study supported this model, and implications for theory and practice are discussed. I really like reading this article because it gives me the realization of how decision-making is a part of our daily lives. Every day we have to make decisions. Some of the decisions are small and some of them are life-changing. Some of the decision we make, sometimes, is pretty simple. It also makes me think about all the sample decision I make on on daily …show more content…

Every day we have to make decisions. Some of the decisions are small and some of them are life-changing. Some of the decision we make, sometimes, is pretty simple. We have to wait longer to see if our decision was the correct one or not. We might have found the right solution to our problem or maybe we will have to go through the whole decision-making process again until we find the perfect solution to our problem. Decision making is not always simple. Many times, we think that we have made the best decision ever and later on we realize that it was not. As humans, we tend to answer with our heart and feelings. We tend to answer right away without thinking. The understanding that critical thinking and decision making hand and hand is an important key. Many times, time and perseverance will be the key to the best result

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