
Psychopathy In Peter Vronsky's Female Serial Killer

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Thesis: Psychopathy creates serial killers which can be caused by both biological and environmental factors that are out of the killer’s control.
TS: Many people argue that psychopathy causes people to become serial killers and that it is brought on by a multitude of factors such as physical and psychological abuse from early childhood.
SP: Peter Vronsky, author of Female Serial Killers: How and Why Women Become Monsters, provides statistics supporting that many serial killers have been abused or witnessed abuse in their lifetimes, stating,
EV1: “Many male serial killers had truly traumatic childhoods: 42 percent reported physical abuse, 74 percent psychological abuse, while 35 percent reported witnessing sexual violence as children, and 43 percent reported being sexually abused themselves” (Vronsky 45).
AN: There is clearly a …show more content…

While they are aware of the awful crimes they commit, they are completely unable to feel bad about it. This is why they commit such violent acts. They do not see why murder is an unethical option, so once the idea of killing another person pops into their head, they act on it. When a psychopath seems like they feel empathy or normal emotions, they are faking it, it is simply simulation. They are essentially lacking in the ability to feel as most people do and often times have been taught that different things are right and wrong, such as abuse being normal. They justify their actions as morally correct simply because they are incapable of feeling that their actions are wrong. Many are unable to control themselves from the desire to kill because of their inability to feel remorse. Serial killers cannot feel bad for what they have done, even if it appears that they do, because they lack that ability. Many were either born lacking these emotions or they were brought on by abuse as a child.
SP3: Author Zelda G. Knight expresses what many psychopathic serial murderers’ childhoods were

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