
Pt Assessment Paper

Decent Essays

Patient was in the ER room when first seen. PT was with her family members and family states that she speaks little English and that she has had abdominal pain for the past day along with bloody stools. Family states that she is on calcium supplements and no other medications. Last oral intake is 24 hours ago. Family states no known past medical history. Pt is in the hospital bed in the fetal position and towards the right side. Patient's airway is clear and breathing is normal. Skin is warm and dry. Patent is AAOx4. Assessment of head, neck, and chest show no signs of deformities. Abdominal area not assessed due to severe pain. Back is without deformity. The upper extremity shows no sign of deformities or trauma. The lower extremity shows …show more content…

States that it started 3 days back and uses oxygen at home. States that he is a former smoker and laying on his back feels better. Also says he has a list of medication, more than 20. Pt has a history of COPD, CHF, DM,morbid obesity, HTN, HLM, hypothyroid, and sleep apnea. Has no accessory muscle use. CC is shortness of breath. Assessment is that there is no deformities or trauma of the head or neck area. Chest shows no signs of deformities or trauma. The abdominal area is tender and warm to the touch. Pelvis and back was not assessed. The upper and lower extremities show signs of low circulation and swelling. PMS=4. I helped with placing the BP cuff on the left arm and attaching it to the monitor. First vitals were recorded. O2 was given by the Nurse and then Albuterol by nebulizer. After 30 minutes, I assisted the Nurse and other hospital workers in moving the PT to a bigger bed. Second set of vitals were recorded. After becoming stable the Pt was moved up to the floor.

Pt is seen in the ER room and states that he is tired and had tremors so he came to the ER to be on the safe side. Daughter also states that he had tremors in the morning and. Patient's CC is that was tired and had tremors in the morning. States that he stays alone, was worried, and has no past history. Assessment of the head shows no sign of deformities or trauma. Neck shows no sign of deformities or trauma. Chest shows no sign of

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