
Puerto Rico Narrative

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I officially declared my love for travel at the age of seven when my family and I took a trip to Barcelona, Spain. As soon as I arrived at the Majestic Hotel, the rush and excitement of being in a new place was a feeling I knew I never wanted to forget. Yet, it wasn’t until a family trip to Puerto Rico a few years ago that I realized my excitement about travel really stemmed from the additional meaning, and insight I was gaining into my own Hispanic heritage.
Although I did not grow up speaking Spanish at home, it always fascinated me that my father, having been born and raised in Puerto Rico, spoke two languages fluently. As a child, it felt like he could communicate with everyone. As I grew, I realized that speaking two languages was an advantage not all people experience. There’s a camaraderie people feel when you can speak to them in their native tongue, and this inspired me to take my Spanish language studies seriously. I wanted to become part of my own culture, and heritage. I felt exhilarated when I was inducted into the National Spanish Honor Society. In learning to speak Spanish I felt one step closer to embracing my roots. …show more content…

Puerto Rico was exactly how I had pictured it, the palm trees, the beautiful beaches, the cobblestone streets, the authentic Puerto Rican food; every sight, smell, and sound was intoxicating. I visited the house where my father grew up and spent time with extended family. I began to truly understand more about my background and heritage. One night at a family reunion, while enjoying the company and traditions of family, I began wondering how many other families all over the world were enjoying each others company the way we were celebrating being together. Unable to shake that curiosity, I realized that I not only wanted to understand my culture, but the cultures of many people around the

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