
Pulsating White Dwarfs Essay

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Pulsating White Dwarfs

Pulsating white dwarf stars are a special subclass of white dwarfs, and they are very useful tools for studying the interiors of stars. As the interior of the white dwarf changes and oscillates, the light signal from the star will pulsate at numerous frequencies. By determining the frequencies at which the star pulsates and using these as boundary conditions in stellar models, astronomers can determine the interior properties of white dwarfs. This summer I was involved in using data from the Whole Earth Telescope and CCD images to determine the frequencies at which two different white dwarf stars pulsate.

Background on Pulsating White Dwarfs

A white dwarf star is the final resting stage of 98 % of all …show more content…

Not all white dwarfs pulsate, though. Astronomers have determined four locations on the white dwarf branch of the H-R diagram where white dwarfs pulsate (Figure 1) (Nather 374).

When looking at pulsating white dwarf, longer is better. As the star pulsates, the brightness of the star plotted versus time creates a graph that looks sinusoidal, and the graph is called a light curve. The top of figure 2 shows an example light curve. Looking at a pulsating star from a single location can only yield a light curve that is at most about 8 hours long, but this is not long enough to resolve a light curve from a star into all of its components. In order to get a light curve long enough, astronomers make use of the Whole Earth Telescope (WET). WET is a collaboration of many observatories from around the world, and it allows astronomers to get light curves that are days long, not just hours long. Figure 3 shows a map of participating WET sites. As a star sets on one observatory, another observatory to the west begins to track the star. Once a site has completed a night of observation, the site sends its data to the headquarters of WET located at ISU. At the headquarters each set of data, or run, is processed right away. Due to the huge collaboration needed to do a WET run, runs are only made once or twice a year. The data collected, however, is worth the effort.

Why Study Pulsating White Dwarfs

By studying pulsating white dwarfs,

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