
Pursuing Teaching As A Second Career

Decent Essays

In order for me to meet the requirements of “the maximum for each question is one page,” I must first share how unique my situation is and how beneficial Fundamentals in Methodology and the book “Excellent 11” are to me at this time. I am pursuing teaching as a second career, after spending over a decade in corporate American and over 12 years as a stay home mom, school and church volunteer. I was encouraged to become a certified teacher by a friend who an educator and entrepreneur in her own right. It was my friend, Sheila Newton-Moses, who took me to Saint Peters University, introduced me to Dr. Doria and encouraged me to do this. I am now finishing the second semester in the program and am very excited at the prospect of teaching. I was recently put to the test of how prepared I am for a career in teaching. Half-way through Fundamentals in Methodology, I was called to substitute a pre-k, class with 30 students. Thirty, 3 and 4 year olds! I began this assignment without any time to prepare before entering the classroom. Upon entering the classroom, realized how deficient the classroom was. I had already started reading the book “Excellent 11” and knew that the classroom was a critical component in teaching. Just to give an example of what I type deficient; there were thirty students, but only 20 had coat lockers with bench. Ten of the students had little cubes that could barely hold their coat. There were no developed centers, there were some blocks on a

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