
Push Quotes

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Push A fictional novel about the life of a 16 yr old teen mom struggling to endure through her wicked past of being assaulted by her male parent, and abusive mother. Push is a novel written by Sapphire and was published in 1996. Teen depression is however an on-going event that demands to be resolved as more teens are being affected and leading to negative activities. “Sometimes I wish I was dead” (Sapphire, 2222). It is unfortunate that this is a line that can relate to a lot of teenagers as for some it is something they say to themselves on a regular basis. Statistics done by Teen Help founded that “nearly 20 percent of teens will experience teen depression before they reach adulthood” (2015). They also go on to state that 30 percent of teens who have depression also develop a substance abuse problem. A Canadian story that got news coverage worldwide was the story of Amanda Todd who was known for being bullied and being depressed which later led to suicide. …show more content…

It is no surprise that she is depressed and would consider suicide as she mentions in the novel, “[s]ometimes I wish I was dead” (page #). Her scene throughout the time of this quote was that she was _____. In the novel, Precious is abused by her vicious mother three months after her first child was born at the age of 10 for ruining her life and taking her boyfriend, who is Precious’ father, away from her. Her mother also goes on to abuse Precious about how she is ‘stupid’ and ‘dumb’ and that there is no point of her existence as she has caused nothing but trouble for her. As Precious is left to feel that no one loves her and struggles to find a purpose in life, she is left depressed and thinking of negative

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