
Qualitative Study (Quasi-Experimental, Descriptive)

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quasi-experimental, descriptive).
Quasi-experimental design method is the most appropriate and supports this study because it involves the creation of a comparison between similar groups; therefore, the comparison in this study will capture the outcomes if the pre-intervention had not been implemented. For instance, education during a primary care visit will improve awareness and decrease STD’s among baby boomers. Nevertheless, this research method is very useful for measuring social variables. Especially, to determine causal relationships by applying a treatment (intervention) and comparing the outcome (Gasparrini & Lopez, 2015).
Setting/sample: Briefly describe the setting for the study, who your study participants will be, and how these participants will be chosen. Will random sampling or a sample of convenience be used? The study will include 150 participants which must be established patients in the primary care office that are identified as high risk for contracting STD’s. The participants will be divided in two groups of 75 each age between 55 and …show more content…

If they have been tested previously, include reliability and validity data.
The measurable outcome for this EBP is to increase baby boomer’s knowledge of STD’s prevention. Therefore, the sexually transmitted disease knowledge questionnaire (STD-KQ), which was developed by Jawarski and Carey (2007) for evaluation of STD’s knowledge. It will be used to measure participants’ knowledge of STD’s preventions pre-and post-interventions. The STD-KQ tool is a twenty-seven questions survey “true, false, or don’t know” answers; it demonstrates an excellent validity and reliability to facilitate achievement of measuring increase knowledge of STDs preventions in the baby boomers’ population.
Data collection: Explain plans for data collection

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