
Qui Dynasty Journey

Decent Essays

My journey starts long ago in of Egypt around 100 B.C.E. I’m a very skilled Iron worker. Actually one of the best among the people. I’ve decide that I would takes my skills to the China and being among the people of the Qui dynasty. It wasn’t easy journey it toke nines year for me to reach china. When I get there it’s a totally new world. It’s cooler, moist and felled with lust forest. The animals, trees and even the people look totally different. As I walk along on a stone road I’m confronted by old man. His name his says is Zha Shen. Luckily along my travels on my camel I was able to pick up the language along going further into china. He says “you aren’t around from around here I see, your darker than us and wear odd clothing and have brought weird tools we have never seen what brings you go the Qui Dynasty land. …show more content…

We walk the road and I had some questions for the weird man I ask “what is your leader called” He says “we call him the Emperor he runs our land with his many lords. What do you call your leader does he have lords.” I get angry at him but remember that he doesn’t know anything about my people so I say back “We call him a Pharaoh and he is our god or a theocracy and he rules all of Egypt”. I keep saying that we have many gods and when that Pharaoh has died he well with the gods. I also explain that we value Gold Religion that we believe that we put our dead Pharaoh in unguarded tombs that always seem

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