
Quilting - The Feminist Dynamic of Lucille Clifton Essays

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The Feminist Dynamic of Lucille Clifton

Quilting bees were occasions for women to gather bringing discarded scraps of material, which they masterfully transformed, into works of art. The bee was also a social gathering where women told tales, exchanged ideas, and encouraged one another. Lucille Clifton's collection of poetry entitled Quilting continues the wonderful tradition by skillfully bringing together poems that entertain, inform, and encourage. Two of Clifton's poems, "eve's version" and "a woman who loves," are excellent examples of the quilting process where material is re-worked to reveal a perspective that is female. The poem, "eve's version" defies the negative issues that have arisen from the Christian tradition of …show more content…

Feminine sensuality and the feminist voice have been effectively subverted in this example of the perfect woman.

Lucille Clifton redresses the Christian narrative in her poem, "eve's version." She begins the poem by asserting that women are responsible for maintaining control over their lives. Genesis, according to Clifton, establishes that Lucifer is the creation of the female mind. Eve is given the power to tell her own story and she states that, "smooth talker / slides into my dreams / and fills them with apple" (74). Lucifer is not viewed as a powerful being but as the product of Eve's dream. The dream is an illusion while Eve is the reality and the source of power in the text. Eve accepts ownership of the dream; it is hers and Clifton makes it clear that Eve is in control of Lucifer and the apple. She avoids the traditional trap of ignorance that society has perpetuated with the male version of the creation myth.

The control of the apple is very significant. The apple has always been a symbol of the basis for man's problems. The apple in Clifton's poem is a metaphor for feminine sensuality and alludes to the feminist power dynamic. The truth about the apple is revealed by Eve, who states,

apple snug as my breast

in the palm of my hand apple sleek apple sweet and bright in my mouth. (74)

It is apparent that Eve has control of the apple; it

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