
Quit Your Job

Decent Essays

Why I decided to quit my job and what am going to do next.

Let’s start from the beginning. About 5 years ago I started working in Kitchen and Bath Remodeling with a super great company. They were probably the best company I’ve ever worked with and my bosses were the best. After being with the company for a couple of years I wanted to grow, I wanted to be an interior designer. So, I started school for Interior Design at the Arts Institute. Hoping that my bosses would give me a promotion. No, that didn’t happen, but I stayed with them for over 4 plus years.
When Preston was about 4 months old I was contacted by a construction company that had seen my resume online and asked if I would come in for an interview. I thought to myself “well what do I have to lose by just going and hearing what they have to offer”. (they made everything said so nice and great) I accepted the job to be Project Manager. …show more content…

I didn’t know whether it was because I was so comfortable there and now I was learning again. However, I kept saying to myself I would stay and give it a shot. I enjoyed the work I did. I enjoyed going to job sites, but I hated the management. I had two bosses. The owner and the VP… The VP was so nice to me, I can’t complain about her, she’s a sweetheart and I felt like she understood me and can see I wasn’t comfortable there. The owner, gosh. I hated him. Every time he would walk in the office, it was a feeling like everyone was getting in trouble. When I had to talk to him, I would automatically think I was getting in trouble, even when I would just have to ask a

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