
Quotes Doesn T Always Mean A Thousand Different People

Decent Essays

The special thing about quotes is that they don’t always mean the same thing to different people. I believe quotes could mean a thousand different things to a thousand different people. Therefore, what this means is that what a quote means to myself may mean something completely different than what anyone else thinks. Also, if you read a quote at different stages of your life, it could mean something absolutely opposite of what it once meant to you. For example, if you read a quote in your teenage years and then read it again when you were in your forty’s, more than likely this would have a completely different meaning to you than what it once did.
Aristotle once said, it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. This quote reminds me of what a respectful person would do. I personally think that …show more content…

This quote has a great deal of meaning to it. I believe Mario Andretti is telling us what it takes to succeed. He starts with desire and then leads to determination and commitment. Without the desire to do something, I don’t believe it will ever become finished and if it does, then it will not be in the best of your ability. If you are determined to get something done, then you are going to be committed to doing it. Being determined and committed to whatever you decide to do is key to succeeding.
In conclusion, all of these quotes have been about leading towards becoming a successful person. From having an educated mind to working hard, being determined, and dedicated to having a desire, motivation, and commitment there is not much more an individual could do to be successful. Without these qualities, I personally don’t believe you can be a successful person. Therefore, these abilities are extremely

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