
Quotes From 'Fahrenheit 451'

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This passage confuses me because he had never before referred to Clarisse as a friend, they had only know each other for a couple weeks at the most. Montag’s wife was also not dying in the book so that also didn’t make sense to me at all. The person that could have been his friend would likely never be his friend because where would they have never met if they weren’t already friends. Going along with the book it sounds like making new friends and talking a lot is abnormal so it would have drawn suspicion if they did talk and become friends. I find it abnormal that he would remember someone from a year ago and to trust the man he didn't know. Why would he do so? For all he could have known was that the old man was undercover and trying to trick him into something stupid. You shouldn’t trust someone like that when you’re only met once before. …show more content…

It’s clear that the Captain is smart, but how was he allowed to read, and get so smart? If he was reading then he’d be breaking the law so wouldn’t he get in trouble and be kicked off the fire station? Couldn’t Montag just go tell someone? It shouldn’t have mattered if he was the captain if he’s doing something bad. It would be unfair to Montag because he’s not supposed to read but the captain can, so he can control the people he talks to. The smarter person is usually the one that everyone listens to so it’s to his advantage. Is Montag so stupid and uneducated that he can’t say no to the Captain,is the Captain that compelling and controlling that you always have to say yes and agree with him? If he can’t say no or ignore the Captain then his plan would never

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