
Quotes From Rosa Parks

Satisfactory Essays

In the year of 1955, Rosa Parks walked downtown after work and enters a insulate bus that she always takes home.

White Man: There is no seat for me sir, could you do something?

Bus Driver: No problem, give me a minute. Stands up and walks to the first colored seat row.

Bus Driver: All four of you, stand up, make some space for this man. The three black men stand up.

Bus Driver: Pardon me, Ma’am, did you hear me? This noblemam needs a place to sit in, move!

Rosa Parks: I decline to give up this seat.

Bus Driver: You don't have the jurisdiction to decline my order.

Rosa Parks: Why is that? Are we not created equal by god?

Bus Driver: Divided but equal that is, now get up and go with the other three gentlemen.

Rosa Parks: I shall not

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