
Raah-Rah: A Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

These youth football players took a knee. Is that why their season got canceled?

Question 1: I think the coach got the nickname “Rah-Rah” because of his act of supporting the the players act of taking a knee.

Question 2: Now with the parents following the new departure the team was now down to only 15 players which wasn’t enough to make the league minimum and now the season was all nixed. DeCarlos Anderson (athletic director) said that it wasn’t about race that the head coach was suspended for, it was the fact that he tried to remove an assistant coach and child from the team for not believing in the same thing as him.

Question 3: I believe the coach was suspended for trying to kick a assistant coach and child off the team for not having the same beliefs as him. I think it was this reason because he does not have the power to remove assistant coaches from the team a child maybe, but even if they don’t believe in the same things as you u should respect it they have rights just like how he would want someone to respect him because of his rights. …show more content…

Question 2: I would expect the following paragraph to be about what she would do about the uniforms he

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