
Race Construction

Decent Essays

Race, class, and gender have all been constructed by the worldviews on society, history, and politics. In the “Power of Illusion” videos, they mention the of ways on how everything humans know of today were created and brought up. The first example of the social construction is that race is obviously seen as physical appearance at a first glance. Race is not how someone looks, its about how people assign meaning to you from the way they see you. People create assumptions based on how one looks and that is how society and biases are created. The second example of race construction is based on historical and political views.
Thomas Jefferson who was a slave owner of over 175 black slaves and was also the third president of the United States, …show more content…

Privilege is simplified as basically an individual have can have something that others normally cannot. Unfortunately having a privilege can easily be overlooked and taken advantage of. White privilege, which is privileges associated with favoring only whites, has been around for a long time. White privilege is often associated with racism, due to whites being superior to other races in the past. Some Americans even tried to make up some false scientific proof that white American males were superior to other races by looking at skulls. “White American male skulls were measured as the base for the superior race, with all other men of color's skulls being measured to demonstrate the inferior races.” (Module 2, Pg 1) In the development of America, whites definitely had a lot more freedom than other races. Asians would work on plantations, and blacks were seen as slaves, a white slave was very rare or sometimes even unheard of. One example of whites having a privilege over other races is the freedom to have an education. In the past whites were just wealthier since they had been in America longer, so the new generation was able to go to school. A lot of institutions were, “White Only” so other races could not receive an education. Whites also had more private restrooms, facilities, water fountains, and more than the colored civilians. The second example would be the natural assumption that whites are smarter than other races. Whites have the privilege or advantage of getting jobs or into higher schools, because of the natural instinct that whites are always intelligent. Jason Richwine, who has a PhD in Public Policy, believes that whites will always have a higher IQ than hispanics. “No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against.” ( Module 2, Pg 6)

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