
Race In Education Research Paper

Decent Essays

The topic of “race”, is one that Americans have to confront every single day, whether we choose to consciously acknowledge it or not. As an aspiring educator, I am aware that I will encounter many situations regarding as race and be on the frontlines of the issue. It is important to know that there are credible and reliable resources out there to gain insight, and guidance, on something that is so crucial to youth of Americans. I say this because educators are on the front lines of this issue. While many parents are working eight hours a day, their children are not just learning how to properly, add or subtract, read and write, or the history of the human race; they are learning how to “fit” into society, what makes them unique and special, …show more content…

My first impression was that there were many resources for one to explore. My focus was primarily on the resources of teachers section. They provided a few in depth guides for two academic levels, i.e. high school and middle school. These guides included exercises for children to challenge their perceptions of race, as well as educate them of the origin of this idea. The middle school guide focused on major historical events that have helped shape the idea of race. Also, the attempt to educate the notion that race is a recent idea made by man is made. The real concept is the difference in culture and that allows for us to accept that concept that all cultures are equal just different. Race tries to focus on superiority and inferiority. The difference in culture shows that ultimately universal values prevail such as compassion, loyalty, honor, and respect. The high school guide focuses on the science side of the argument that race is just an idea, and nothing more. The guide even calls for biology teachers to help with the lesson plans to help children understand that there is no real biological differences between people and that our DNA is, for the most part,

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