
Mark Mgwire And Sosa Hall Of Fame

Decent Essays

Hall of Fame In the summer of 1998, every baseball fan, critic, and writer watched Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa race to break Roger Maris’ record of 61 home runs in one season. The two players both seemed to hit a homer every day of that summer. When the season came to the end of that summer of 1998, both Major league Baseball stars were tied at fifty-five home runs. McGwire and Sosa both surpassed Maris’ record within the first couple weeks of September. The Fans thought this was a once in a lifetime event in baseball because the last home run chase was in 1961 between Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris. Baseball attendance and interest substantially increased because of the two sluggers. Home runs became more prevalent in the seasons that …show more content…

Leigh comments that players who use steroids have an unfair advantage over baseball players who do not use them because steroids increase a player’s statistics substantially. Steinberg declares, “Sending players with proven steroid use into the Hall of Fame is simply not fair” (Steinberg). Leigh also looks into how it would affect young people if steroid users were allowed in the Hall of Fame. Steinberg points out that if steroid users were elected into the Hall of Fame that young athletes would get the impression that steroid use is acceptable in order to accomplish athletic goals. He emphasizes that young athletes model oneself after their baseball idols so young athletes may start to use steroids if their idol happens to use steroids and still gets elected to the Hall (Steinberg). According to Ted Berg, a sports writer who currently writes for USA today and sports sites such as For the Win, profession baseball players who use steroids should be allowed in the Hall of Fame as he explains in his article, “4 reasons the Baseball Hall of Fame should include steroid users.” Berg questions the baseball writer’s choice to judge the lives of baseball players and why steroid users are not getting elected into the Hall of Fame. Berg argues that by allowing steroid users into the Hall that the Hall of Fame will get more attention. The reason he thinks more people will go to the Hall of Fame if

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