
Racial Inequality In A Confederacy Of Dunces By John Kennedy Toole

Decent Essays

Andrew Gonzalez

Eng. 102 Sec 26025

Prof. MacLeod

November 28, 2017

The Hardships and The Racial Inequality of The World

John Kennedy Toole's play "A Confederacy of Dunces" illustrates some of the present controversial problems of modern society using Southern Gothic elements as a tool to criticize these issues. Amazingly, the play takes place in New Orleans and was written in a time where many notable figures like Toole were able to illustrate or advocate the hardships and inequalities during the Jim Crow era. Burma Jones is the perfect paragon of a man who endures the injustices of modern slavery for being an economically low class black citizen with no education in which elucidates the current problems of abuse and inequality of …show more content…

Toole is obviously attacking the evil people of society who are given great power and responsibility and use this advantage for corruption and slavery.

Racial profiling discrimination is one big reason why modern slavery still exists today. One example is the racial profiling that occurs in the Toole's play where the police are accusing or assuming Burma Jones stole a bag of nuts since most African Americans are unfairly untrusted and fall on the stereotypes that they participate in criminal activity. A quote from John H. McWhorter of the City Journal stresses that "In some parts of the country, black men are so overrepresented in criminal activities that police officers, white and black, would be shirking their duty not to concentrate on them."(McWhorter). To avoid being arrested from the law as a vagrant he is required to get a job, with no experience or education in the workforce he eventually has to settle for a miserable position in a bar sweeping for below minimum wage which delineates the image of being trapped in modern slavery. Another statistic worth noting is from the NORC article from the University of Chicago stating that "half of black Americans report being treated unfairly by police because of their race, and their views of law enforcement are shaped by this experience."(NORC 1). Today, millions of Americans have different opinions over how we think the police in our local communities treat racial and ethnic minorities whether it's with

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