
Racial Stereotypes In Testimony By Sonny Signh

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To begin, race is defined as the physical characteristics of someone, such as their skin color, their hair color, their eye color, and their height. In other words, it is similar to the phenotype of a specimen in scientific terms. Race is a social construct because it is not built into your genes. It can change depending on where in the world a person is located. For example, according to the reading titled “Testimony” by Sonny Signh, he was walking down the hall at a school and was laughed at and joked about just because he looked Iraqi. His skin and beard showed others that he was a Muslim, so the students immediately thought that he was a terrorist. At this point, he was used to this kind of criticism because he had been in the US for so long. However, when he first got to the US he would …show more content…

The way that they are fighting back is in the form of music. One instance where music is used to challenge racial and ethnic stereotypes is that Eminem the rapper is a rapper, and a decent rapper that is. According to racial and ethnic stereotypes, black and/or hispanic males are seen as the best/most popular rappers. This is the case because of the stereotype of blacks/hispanics being criminals and therefore having nothing better to do than promote violence through different ways such as songs and being violent in general. However, when it comes to Eminem, he is a white male that does write rap songs, but they are not violent at all. The songs that Eminem write are about his personal life, and how even though some of the events in his songs are violent, that he puts a positive outlook on it because of how he talks about getting through it. This shows that even though he does not fit into the “rapper” stereotype that he still does as good, if not better, than the black/hispanic males that are supposedly able to rap

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