
Racial Subconscious In America

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Racial Subconscious in America

America has made improvements all throughout history when it comes to people of color. In other words, The United States has made history, by removing slavery and breaking through the segregation barriers. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended all local and state laws requiring segregation. I believe that America is a true democracy to a certain degree, but still lacks some qualities of a “true democracy.” The American government fails, but at the same time, the citizens of America thrive on representing people of color. Racial prejudice and police brutality show that the government is unsuccessful when representing all people. Citizens are determined to stand up for others rights so that people of color can be treated equally , and that shows that people are nice and successful.

Racial prejudice is having a negative attitude towards a group of people based on race (such as black people). People prejudge before having knowledge about this person. The U.S. has racial prejudice against black people because the media portrays them differently than white Americans. The media suggests that white people are good and that black people are bad, associating the good with accomplishment and the bad with a crime. Americans used to view slaves as savages. The owners of these people saw them as animals. Nowadays, people are …show more content…

White people should put themselves in their shoes and stand rhetoric statements that include stereotypes. You should get to know people different than you and acknowledge their differences. Ask them open ended questions of their lifestyles and what they struggle with day to day . Making sure to place our own and others statements in check so that they don't turn into discrimination or prejudice could help us feel better and eliminate the prejudice you have against these

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