
Racism And Critical Disposition ' Of Kill A Mockingbird ' By Harper Lee

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An Analysis of Racism and Critical Disposition in Maycomb County
Racism was a tremendous issue in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. It was applied throughout the novel and was increasingly used to judge others in Maycomb’s society. Racism was revealed through the novel to characters Jem, Scout, and Dill who were young children that were learning about the good and evil in the small town they lived in. Racism was a constant and significant topic. There were many aspects that contributed to racism and proved that justice would not always prevail. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, the setting, theme and conflict greatly reflected on the judgemental nature and racism in Maycomb’s society. To begin with, the novel’s setting impacted the judgemental nature of Maycomb and its citizens. The small town society the characters live in seemed to have more negative constitution than larger settings such as cities. In Maycomb, people tend to gossip and spread rumours to one another about daily news. In addition, the setting took place in the south where people were dreadfully affected by The Great Depression and racism was still deeply ingrained after that. Relations in Maycomb were close, since it was so tiny and therefore caused more judgement by those around. On the other hand, in cities no one would pay attention to one another and rumours would not spread. People in cities would likely be more independent than people in small towns. Furthermore, To Kill a Mockingbird was set

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