
Racism And Its Effects On Society

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Racism has been around for a very long time and can be found throughout history, but what is racism? Racism is described as the discrimination of different race/races and is the thought of one race or color of skin having more physical/mental abilities than another. It is based on the attitudes of one or more people based on the supposed superiority of one group to the supposed inferiority of another. Racism was most prevalent in the 1900s, however can still commonly be found today as seen through many recent incidents. So why do we think such things of other people? How can it be right to think of people differently because of the color of their skin? The fact is, by the time a child can walk, they start noticing color differences. At a young age in school, you are told not to judge others just because they are different. That would seem like enough right? But unfortunately, schools aren’t the only influence that children have. The most influential thing in a child’s life is his/ hers parent, who may be teaching the child something totally different from what the school has taught them. Children’s’ minds are easy to form, so if a child’s parents are racist, more than likely racism will be seeded in the child’s head at a young age. This is one way racism continues to survive today. It is also in this way that people can be grouped or identified in an unwanted way. People may be been seen as a part of a group that they are not even involved in just due to the color of their

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