
Racism In Canada

Decent Essays

On the topics of racism, oppression, and Aboriginal issues I have chosen the articles “The Complexity of Identity” and “Stolen Sisters, Second Class Citizens” to reflect on. Racism is based on one's perspective of another’s race or ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age and physical or mental ability. Aboriginal women are at a higher risk to be subject to oppression than any other non-Aboriginal women. Aboriginal women also face the highest poverty rates in Canada.

Racism is based on one's perspective of another’s ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age and physical or mental ability. Everywhere we go there is always a group of one race that think that they are more dominant because they are the majority. The “dominant group” holds the power and authority over all of the minority groups. The minority groups known as the “Subordinate groups” are often labeled as defective or below average by the dominant group. From personal experience I can say it is true, for example, most parts of Mississauga and Brampton which are heavily populated by the brown community usually have a brown political leader, and in areas such as Vaughan where the majority of the people are white, they …show more content…

In the article “Stolen Sisters, Second Class Citizens “ is says that “twenty-four percent of Aboriginal women, three times the figure for their non-Aboriginal counterparts (8%), experienced spousal violence from either a current or previous marital or common-law partner in the five-year period prior to the survey.” Also, Aboriginal women are twice as likely to experience abuse than other women. This survey was taken in 2006 which is not too long ago. On the internet, it says that aboriginal people are twice as likely to be victims of repeat crimes and that physical assault is the most the reported violent

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