
Racism In Huckleberry Finn Essay

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Throughout the novel, Huck’s treatment of Jim is demeaning and racist. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, set in the 1800’s, Huck, a white boy, and Jim, a runaway slave, travel together on an adventure to escape. They form a bond throughout the story, although Huck’s use of the n word and other problematic remarks have raised the question can his racism be justified? If we look at the dictionary definition of racism it states “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one 's own race is superior.” Most people believe racism is just as simple as intentional displays of racial hostility, such as the Ku Klux Klan. But the racism that happens the most is the type that …show more content…

Plus with noble respected figures around him like Miss Watson who owns slaves and uses the n-word, Huck is surely going to have the n-word in his daily vocabulary. These truths do not change the fact that this is all due to the normalization of the racial slur. Just because something is seen as socially acceptable, it doesn’t make it unproblematic and not offensive. If I were to spill juice on my friend’s shoes, but I didn’t intend to, then does that mean I spilled juice on their shoes? Same concept. Even with racism that doesn’t have the intent on being racist, it does not take away the effect it has. That is the root of what structural racism is, unintentionally being racist due to the normalization of certain acts of racism. Others also argue that Huck used the n-word as a synonym for “buddy” or “friend”. Firstly, looking from how Huck always pulled pranks on Jim and pointed out his ignorance, it’s a reach to argue that Huck saw Jim as friend, and more likely as his personal hypothetical punching bag. Secondly, Huck has used the n-word to demean Jim multiple times. After Huck pulled another prank on Jim, Jim was hurt and he ranted at Huck. Huck’s response, “It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a n***** - but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterwards, neither. I didn’t do him no mean tricks, and I wouldn 't done that one if I’d knowed it would make

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