
Racism In Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life Of Bees

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In our society of civilized people we are still blind and oblivious to the things around us. Racism is seen as not as relevant now and that it is no longer a problem, but today it is still a huge problem especially in the southern parts of America. Black Lives Matter is a campaign that started over white police shooting black people, people may see this as “oh protesting for their rights,” which is true but the news doesn’t show that people protesting actually have been beaten up or even killed. The news is one of the major reasons we are limited by our perceptions of our world because they don’t tell us every detail. The Secret Life of Bees follows the life of a young girl who is overrun by guilt from the death of her mother. She is closed …show more content…

May is seen as this happy caring person who wouldn’t hurt a fly, literally. She lured cockroaches out of the house using graham crackers and marshmallows. But what we learn later is that behind all the joy and smiles of May, is that she has crippling depression and that she feels the pain of others. At the beginning Lily the protagonist is oblivious to what May has to go through. “Miss May, I know you get really sad sometimes. My Daddy never feels. He never felt anything. I had rather be like you” “A worker bee weigh less than a flower petal, but she can fly with a load heavier than her. But she only lives for five weeks. Sometimes not feeling is the only way you can survive.” (Monk Kidd. 133) Lily has this perception of May but doesn’t understand that May is dieing inside. May’s ability to feel the pain of others leads to her suicide. One night Zach got in a fight in front of the movie theatre, once May heard about this she couldn’t cope with herself anymore and decided to kill herself in the river. If the people around May realized what was going on in her life they could've saved her …show more content…

At the beginning of the book Lily perceives her parents differently from one another. T-ray is seen as a mean cold hearted man who shows no affection towards Lily. “You wake me up again Lily, I’ll get out the Martha Whites, you hear me?” (pg. 5) The Martha Whites was a punishment T-Ray came up with, he would make Lily kneel on dried oats until her knees bled. Lily’s Mom, which she killed when she was four was perceived as this angel watching over her and always out to protect Lily. Lily was overrun with so much guilt when she killed her mother that is caused her to lose her connection with life. When she started living with the Boatwright sisters she reconnected with life and realized and found out who her parents really were. She learned that she was an accident, her mother ran away from her and T-Ray to stay with August and the sisters, but she learned that her mother tried to make things up and she went to go retrieve Lily but got killed. T-Ray near the end of the novel hallucinates at the boatwright house and sees Lily as his dead wife. “You’re not leaving me again Deborah!” Lily realizes that T-Ray actually cares about her and leaves her alone with August. Lily’s perceptions of her parents were changed when she found out who they actually are.

In the Secret Life of Bees it shows how people may act one way but feel another, how loves isn’t fixed or certain, and it showed that people are perceived

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