
Racism and Sexism for Non-Whites Essay example

Decent Essays

There are many problems with our society as it is today. The amount of racism and sexism people whom have to deal with it face, is prevalent, and relentless with every person they encounter. Everyone gets a level of respect when they meet another person. Whatever the factor: age, gender, race, clothing, you compare them as either better or worse than you. However, they are very important factors in a conversation. If I meet with an older white male, I have to earn my respect, as really everyone else does too. I would say from face value alone that that is the most respected person based on first impressions. Something called “White Privilege” is responsible for that! Being that White people are predominately in a seat of power over …show more content…

Not only are you constantly switching from right side to left side, but you also have to dissociate the negative words, with any preconceived judgements you have about the opposite race. The first part of the test is made to unveil any bias’s white people have towards black people, where the second part is made to discover any bias’s black people have against whites. A person unbiassed would see it for what it is and nothing else. I think the only way to fix our bias’s is to take the test over and over, maybe 2 or more times a day, for a good period of time. I believe this because or brain has years of teachers telling us how white people have been in charge of things much longer, that we owned black people some 200 years ago until relatively recently, and in some cases even parents telling their kids they are better than the children of African-American decent. Bias’s are exactly like a phobia, you have to find out you have the bias, get exposure with it, to finally change how you feel about it. If you notice, even though they ask you your sex, race, age, and education level, that is not presented in the results. So when it says more people strongly prefer white people over black people, than people who prefer black people over white people, you just discovered the demographic of their test. More white people have taken the

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