
Raef's History: A Short Story

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Despite his best efforts, Raef could find no more books with maps. There were dozens, perhaps hundreds of books that he had yet to crack open, but all of the books that were of a larger size or appeared that they would contain the type of pages to include a map were either on other subjects or were damaged.
The number of damaged books broke Raef’s heart. Over time it became clear that someone or some group had made a concerted effort to eradicate the entire history of Ness before the move from the Old Quarter to the current make-up of the city.
Even some of the books that covered the migration were damaged, and that led Raef to focus on that important moment in Ness history. He narrowed down his immediate studies to three books, two were heavily …show more content…

“What is that?” Raef asked.
“Nothing. It is a saying of the Outlanders.” Alard sat down at his desk, where he looked completely out-of-place. “It is likely that the Harvest Guild stopped fighting in return for some guarantee of their standing. Otherwise today Ness would be run by the Merchant and Craft guilds.”
“That’s true,” Raef scratched his head. “They built a new Harvest House. That was probably a requirement, as well.”
“Yes. That makes sense. The Harvest Guild is powerful, Raef. Do not forget that. They control the food for the entire city, and they are the largest guild in terms of numbers.”
Raef thought of the recent Founders Day Guildmaster meeting. “Maybe the requirement that if there are two votes against something it would not pass was the guarantee that the Harvest Guild was looking for.”
Alard’s eyes went wide. “Of course! That’s the key to everything. Two votes were what saved the Harvest Guild centuries ago, and that is what saved them today.” Alard ran his hand over his bald head. “That means that the Thieves Guild was created solely to establish the peace for all these years. But why Thieves? It is an odd choice for a symbolic guild to keep the peace.” Alard looked at Raef. “Was there any mention of our

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