
Rain By Anne Emerson Essay

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There is something beautiful about the natural world. Something that most people don’t care to see. For the Internet and Mother Nature have been wielded together through a deep and darkening void to become inseparable from one another, almost as if they have become one. Social media is like a con artist, providing us with pixels on a screen trying to imposter on the allure and excitement of life. As one person scrolls down an electronic screen, another is being inspired by the many worlds around us. They are finding those barely discovered cultures that prevail for those who have the wisdom to seek. But of course this does not happen to be commonplace these days. Earth’s gift to us has started to fade away for the ignorant and the blind. This is the story of a girl who has a fierce determination to learn everything within her grasp, save classrooms and textbooks. This is the story of life and death, of exhilaration and despair, of the hidden and beautiful secrets found within nature. This is the story of Anne …show more content…

When she looked back of course. In the moment, it was merely an oddity- it almost never rained in Los Angeles. Most often, it was quite dry. But on that chilly Thanksgiving morning, storm clouds rose high into the sky as if they were creating a barrier between Earth and Heaven. However, Anne would soon find that comparison to be incorrect. For on that special day of blessings and gratitude, Anne Emerson’s parents would be murdered. By whom, she would never find out. Extremely close to both her mother and her father, she went through a state of shock for almost a month, in which she would not talk and she was oblivious to the events occurring around her. So she barely recalled the strange manner in which she was put into the orphanage two towns over. Anne did have many uncles, aunts, and grandparents. Nevertheless, she was bizarrely placed in a crumbling and run-down residence alongside children who had nowhere else to

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