
Rain In New York City

Decent Essays

What comes to mind when you think of the rain? In the bustling world of New York City, it seems like anything that falls out of the sky is a direct adversary to the never-ending schedules of our lives. Though our collective view of the rain may be as dark and dense as the sky it falls from, there is much more significance and hope in the wet dread than we can see. By taking natures biggest nuisance and bringing it into the city that simply doesn’t have time for rain, we can find a new dimension for understanding beauty.
In waking up and meeting a rainy day, the immediate reaction is to groan. We’re taught in our English classes to associate rain in literature with tragic foreboding and gloom--so what else can we do but stare out of our windows …show more content…

It might seem like we don’t have time, but the time this city rules itself by is an intangible manifestation--a simple social construct that even the best of us should take a break from regularly. The rain’s physical aestheticism lies in our own ability to unwind and forget about life's daily pressures and, in turn, reveal a calm, almost meditative side of us that can absorb and comprehend the world more deeply. When we leave our stresses and daily toil behind us, we allow ourselves to broaden our perception of the world. By taking a moment to relax, forgetting about how wet our clothes will be later, putting away the thought of how difficult traveling will be, leaving behind the negativity the very rain can inspire in us, we can more fully appreciate the fact that we are alive to see the world in its natural wonder from the comfort of the greatest city in the world. The gunmetal sky is suddenly a silvery veil hugging crowding towers, and the watery bullets endless blessings. Rain patters on the ground, a sweet, rhythmic song that soothes the mind, reminding you that it's okay to take a breather in your hectic life--the rain is not out to get you. Its there to remind you of the of

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