
Rainsford Compare And Contrast The Most Dangerous Game By General Zaroff

Satisfactory Essays

Mbuguah, Martin
Deitche, Marianne
9 English Honors, Period 5
Rainsford vs Zaroff
Two men from different times and different walks of life both consumed by the lust of greed and adrenaline. One has fallen far more in to the abyss while the other is just on the edge waiting to for the last gust to push him into his decent.
General Zaroff and Rainsford were both word class hunters. Zaroff and Rainsford traveled the world and learned many different hunting tactics like the ones they used in the story. Although they were alike in these ways the way they used their skills were very different. Zaroff became consumed with finding and killing “the most dangerous game” while Rainsford used his skills to protect himself from Zaroff. Rainsford and Zaroff are both very passionate about hunting we see the proof of this in the story when Zaroff says” I have but one passion in my life Mr. Rainsford, and it is the hunt” and when Rainsford said “luckily, you and I are the hunter” …show more content…

We see this from the beginning of the story, Zaroff is cold, cruel, and dishonest from the start of the story until the end we can never truly trust what he says. We see examples of his dishonest behavior when he tells Rainsford that he won’t use dogs then he inevitably does. Rainsford on the other hand is a more compassionate individual although he hunts and kills animals for sport we see early in the story he questions these actions when he realizes how the animals might feel when he is put in the same situation as them. Despite the fact he is actively trying to kill Zaroff during the story, he’s only doing it for self-defense even at the end when he willingly chooses to duel and kill Zaroff we can still see he is trying to protect the life pf the next poor soul to come to the island by ending Zaroff’s reign of

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