
High Noon Compare And Contrast

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A movie and a story, containing death at its heart, puts two characters through challenging settings that provides layers of conflicts that makes it difficult to keep their lives. In the story, The Most Dangerous Game, written by Richard Connell, is based off of a world famous hunter named Sanger Rainsford, is stuck on an island with another experienced hunter, General Zaroff, who wants to kill him. In the movie, High Noon, written by Carl Foreman, takes place in an western town that contains a marshal, Will Kane, who is facing death in the eyes at noon, has to get all the help he can get. They both contain the 3 factors, character, setting, and conflict, that are similar but are in different situations. Both protagonists, have similar conflicts which contain having them killed. In the story General Zaroff says, "Your brain against mine. Your woodcraft against mine. Your strength and stamina against mine. Outdoor chess! And the stake is not without value, eh?" (Connell 16). General Zaroff has the intention of killing Rainsford to cure his own boredom. This is the similar to when Frank Miller is coming in town to kill Kane. They also …show more content…

"An apprehensive night crawled slowly by like a wounded snake and sleep did not visit Rainsford, although the silence of a dead world was on the jungle" (Connell 18). In the story, it's clear that the settings is a type of tropical island that is very hot, humid, and has many surroundings. In the movie however, the settings is a very hot, and dry place that's basically a desert. If Rainsford had a story taken place in a dry place, he wouldn't be able to make his traps or let alone, live for 3 days. He would be spotted easily and killed. Without the perfect settings, it wouldn't be as much as an interesting story and it wouldn't have that much build up conflict that adds to the

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