
Ralph Waldo Emerson's Concord Hymn

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In Concord Hymn, Ralph Waldo Emerson says, “Spirit, that made those heroes dare To die, and leave their children free, Bid Time and Nature gently spare The shaft we raise to them and thee.” (Emerson n.p.) This quote perfectly explains Emerson because he loved to refer to nature and spirit in many of his famous writings. Emerson is part of the well-known literacy movement known as transcendentalism. This is when authors often referenced nature and focused on intuition and imagination. This movement showed that people knew about themselves and others more than what they could taste, touch, hear, or feel. Many tragedies throughout his life, and his love for the transcendentalism movement helped shape one of the greatest writers in history. Ralph Waldo Emerson experienced a lot of grief and tragedy early on in his life that carried on until he died in 1882. He unfortunately lost his father when he was eight, and soon after all three of his loving brothers passed away. This greatly influenced the way that Emerson acted and wrote as a young child. Emerson changed the literary world through his use of imagery and symbolism. He used both of these terms to perfection, and this really captivated the reader. He loved to talk about nature and spirit, and how they shared the same experiences that humans do on a daily basis. This is why many of his stories have nature as the main character, and he often compares nature to many other things. Emerson thought that people were naturally good

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