
Ralph's Leadership In Lord Of The Flies

Decent Essays

The New Leader
Since the day that the boys were stranded on the island, it was shown that Ralph was the
Leader. Ralph was very focused on being rescued and staying safe. He stood up and explained what needed to be done to be saved. Although he had the courage and the leadership needed in taking on this role he wasn't’t the best fit in all of the boys minds. Ralph lacked basic knowledge and general strength. He focused more on the society that he had lived in back home. Not willing to kill pigs or hurt others. He tried to keep the boys apart of it as well but the boys started to drift in a different direction. The boys find leadership in Jack, they abandon Ralph, and they start to change their behavior. The boys of the Choir, also known as the hunters were like stray puppies to a new owner. They would do anything and everything that Jack throughout into thin air. If he asked them to kill, they’d kill. Jack was very focused on getting off the island whereas Ralph was focused about survival and the society. As their little society started to crumble so did Ralph's leadership and plans. The boys started doing their jobs, hunting. Jack took over control by leading his pack to raw meat and food. Killing any pig or animal that they could find.“Jack was in charge of the hunt… “ (Golding …show more content…

In reality Ralph never had full control of the choir in the first place. Jack knew the boys beforehand which gave him an advantage over control. It is not truly shown how much Jack feels like he needs the leadership role until the night of the hunt for the beast. Jack is so absorbed with finding the beast that as it gets later and later he feels like he cannot stop. The choir agrees with Jack as they trot forward, blind of what lurks ahead. This is a representation of Ralph disappearing from authority. As Ralph leaves control in the Choir’s lives you can start to see what they are willing to do to survive and get off the

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