
Rape Culture

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If someone was asked, would you approve of rape? Usually, the answer would be no without any hesitation, but what people do not seem to realize is that people say yes to rape all the time due its promotion through rape culture that is everywhere in our society. The concept of rape culture is not new, but the term itself is and over the most recent years the definition of rape culture has gradually evolved, that there is not one specific definition for the term anymore. Women and men alike have started to research and discuss concepts revolving around rape culture using a variety of definitions that fit the concept of rape culture. Several of the information gathered from a variety of research has been very interesting and eye opening to the …show more content…

Advertisements of women sexually objectified for the pleasure of men, does not help in making people realize that they themselves are created the rape culture many live in today, where rape is approved. This leads to the controversial concept of sexual consent, which is one of the most related topics when discussing rape culture. Sexual consent varies in the multitude of ways that it can be announced and discussed between sexual partners, such as non-verbal cues or verbal cues, yet the concept itself is completely ambiguous in determining what considered as sexual consent, how and when it can be given. However, one of the more male dominated societal ideologies is that women are expected to know what sexual consent is and how to give it, even though this is causes such controversy due to the fact that women should not be the only ones be responsible of giving and asking for consent but males to, especially asking for consent. Due the acceptance of the rape culture seen in society nowadays, sexual assault has increased and sexual consent goes hand in hand with this concept. In sexual assault cases, fault is always sought out, thus leading to finding out if sexual consent has been given to determine if there really was sexual assault. However, based on the articles that will be discussed below, there are a variety of ways sexual consent can be given but also can be a critical factor in victim blaming when sexual assault

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