
Rape Definition Essay

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In todays society, rape is defined as, “penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus, with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” Also, in our society rape has a harsh reality following it, other than just the simple horrors that are embodied in it. Women are always accused of lying when they plea that they’ve been taken advantage of. This is debilitating to the victim, they swallow their pride and refuse to speak out because of the fear that their peers are going to say they either are lying, or over reacting, or that they obviously brought this on themselves. This predetermined notion, that women are asking to be raped, or that they are fibbing or over embellishing the ordeal, can be argued to have began in the 1800s. During this time, rape was exclusive to black men …show more content…

She told her husband that the man came in to their house while her husband was away, and he overpowered her, drugged her and she doesn’t remember what happened, but when she woke up her clothes were ripped off and was in a bad state. They charged the accused man, but he claimed that he did not rape her, that it was consensual intimacy at her request. The man went to jail with a sentence of 15 years. Later on she admitted that she lied, that in actuality they were consensually intimate and she even stated, “… I readily consented.”. They were together many times, and she never had a desire to resist. By this time the accused man has been imprisoned for four years. This was incredibly common during this time, there were many cases in which white women choose to become intimate with black men, which was illegal, but when it came down to them potentially being found out, they would lie and claim rape to avoid being disgraced. This can be argued to have been the start for our society, to doubt women who claim to have been

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