
Essay on Rape

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Many teenagers engage in sexual activities. Teenagers also drink and do drugs. When most teenagers go to college they go to parties, and there is drinking and sex everywhere. Sometimes at the parties there is non-consensual sex. Non-consensual sex is a horrible thing that happens to a lot of females, and sometimes men. Non-consensual sex is the same thing as rape. Getting raped is a traumatic even that causes a great deal of stress in many ways, and is also hard to convict the rapist.
To help understand what happens to victims and how they feel; here are the results of a survey done in 1985 and 1993. It was found that 73% of rape victims say that they were not raped. There is a lot of self-blame involved in …show more content…

Unfortunately, the jury found him not guilty. When the D.A. asked the jury why they found him not guilty they replied, “She went up there”. All cases do not work out like this one did. There are many cases were the rapist was prosecuted and put in jail.
Also, to make it easier to receive justice certain steps should be followed. The first thing the victim should do is go to the hospital. At the hospital they will make sure she has been raped and if she was drugged with any date rape drug. After visiting the hospital the victim should go report the incident to police. Lastly, the victim should seek a counselor for help to understand what happened.
When the victim goes to the counselor they will get a new concept of what happened. They will come to an understanding that it was the attackers fault. No matter who did the attack, it will always be the attacker’s fault. It is never the victim’s fault. It could have been anyone: the neighbor, his or her best friend, or his or her father. Whoever did the attack is a sick person and is not in the right mental state. Rape is a very hard attack to go through.
Being raped causes many different pains and tribulations. Some of the effects are fear of being alone and fear of men. Some of the more severe effects of rape are depression and feelings of anger, helplessness, guilt, pain, embarrassment, or anxiety. These feelings will go away over a long period

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