
Rape In America Essay

Decent Essays

All age groups are affected by rape, but teens seem to be targeted the most. People may think this is not a big problem to cover, but it is. We don't realize the countless number of people that need help and can’t recover to their normal lives after these tragic instances. “Every 98 seconds, a person gets raped in the U.S”. (“Scope of the Problem…” n. pag.). The number haven’t gone down in a while and that needs to change. The facts are disturbing and unbelievable. Here are some of the statistics found; “54% are in the age group 18-34 years old,” and they are “10 times more likely to use other major drugs,”. (“Scope of the Problem…” n. pag.). These facts show that rape is clearly a huge problem. Young adults that can’t always defend themselves and the side effects of it are …show more content…

If efforts could be made to help stop this, the numbers in the depression category would drop and the number of people using drugs would drop. Maybe not dramatically, but it would lower the number of people affected by three problems in the U.S: Rape, Depression, and Drugs. There is no way to stop the people from doing it, but there is a way to help them cope with the issue. Other important facts are; ”Nearly 1 in 5 women (over 23 million) have experienced rape in their lifetime”. (“39 facts about Rape…” n. pag.). This fact is outstanding. If you asked 100 people if they knew how many people get raped each year in the U.S, they would be nowhere close. Not enough people spread awareness to their community or even their state. If more people were aware of what is going on then, this problem could be controlled or maybe even stopped. People might say this is a sensitive topic and they don't want to deal with it, but there is some if they knew they would step up and help this issue. This is a life changer for the worse it in terms ruins there lives forever. Rape is a big issue and it needs to be stopped. With awareness, this problem can be dramatically

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